Opening multiple windows

You can open multiple Interactive SQL windows. Each window corresponds to a separate database connection. You can connect simultaneously to two (or more) different databases on different database servers, or you can open concurrent connections to a single database.

To open a new Interactive SQL window

  1. From the Window menu, choose New Window.

    The Connect window appears.


    If the SQLCONNECT environment variable is set, or if you are already connected to a SQL Anywhere database, the database server attempts to use this information to connect to a database before it prompts you for information. Likewise, if the ULCONNECT environment variable is set, or if you are already connected to an UltraLite database, the database server attempts to use this information to connect to a database before it prompts you for information in. If these attempts fail, or if you are not already connected to a database, the Connect window appears.

  2. In the Connect window, enter the connection information for your database, and click OK to connect.

    The connection information (including the database name, your user ID, and the database server name) appears in the Interactive SQL title bar.

You can also connect to or disconnect from a database with the Connect and Disconnect items in the SQL menu, or by executing a CONNECT or DISCONNECT statement.