Network protocol options

Network protocol options (for both the client and the server) enable you to work around peculiarities of different network protocol implementations.

You can supply the network protocol options in the server command. For example:

dbsrv11 -x tcpip(PARM1=value1;PARM2=value2;...)

From the client side, you enter the protocol options as the CommLinks (LINKS) connection parameter:


If there are spaces in a parameter, the network protocol options must be enclosed in quotation marks to be parsed properly by the system command interpreter:

dbsrv11 -x "tcpip(PARM1=value1;PARM2=value2;...)"

The quotation marks are also required under Unix if more than one parameter is given because Unix interprets the semicolon as a command separator.

Boolean parameters are turned on with YES, Y, ON, TRUE, T, or 1, and are turned off with any of NO, N, OFF, FALSE, F, and 0. The parameters are case insensitive.

The examples provided should all be entered on a single line; you can also include them in a configuration file and use the @ server option to invoke the configuration file.

TCP/IP, HTTP, and HTTPS protocol options

The options available for TCP/IP, HTTP, and HTTPS are as follows.

Broadcast protocol option [BCAST]
BroadcastListener protocol option [BLISTENER]
ClientPort protocol option [CPORT]
DatabaseName protocol option [DBN]
DoBroadcast protocol option [DOBROAD]
Host protocol option [IP]
Identity protocol option
Identity_Password protocol option
KeepaliveTimeout protocol option [KTO]
LDAP protocol option [LDAP]
LocalOnly protocol option [LOCAL]
LogFile protocol option [LOG]
LogFormat protocol option [LF]
LogMaxSize protocol option [LSIZE]
LogOptions protocol option [LOPT]
MaxConnections protocol option [MAXCONN]
MaxRequestSize protocol option [MAXSIZE]
MyIP protocol option [ME]
ReceiveBufferSize protocol option [RCVBUFSZ]
SendBufferSize protocol option [SNDBUFSZ]
ServerPort protocol option [PORT]
TDS protocol option
Timeout protocol option [TO]
VerifyServerName protocol option [VERIFY]