Language Selection utility (dblang)

Reports and changes the registry settings that control the languages used by SQL Anywhere and Sybase Central.

dblang [options] language-code
Option Description
-m Writes the language code to the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
-q Runs in quiet mode—messages are not printed.
-u Writes the language code to the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. This is the default location.
Language code Language
EN English
DE German
ES Spanish
FR French
IT Italian
JA Japanese
KO Korean
LT Lithuanian
PL Polish
PT Portuguese
RU Russian
TW Traditional Chinese
UK Ukrainian
ZH Simplified Chinese

If you do not specify -m or -u, then the language code is written to the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. You can specify both -m and -u to write the language code to both locations.

Running the dblang utility without a language code reports the current settings. These settings are as follows:

  • SQL Anywhere   This setting controls which language resource library is used to deliver informational and error messages from the SQL Anywhere database server. The language resource library is a DLL with a name of the form dblgXX11.dll, where XX is a two-letter language code.

    Ensure that you have the appropriate language resource library on your computer when you change the settings.

  • Sybase Central   This setting controls the resources used to display user interface elements for Sybase Central and Interactive SQL. You must have purchased the appropriate localized version of SQL Anywhere for this setting to take effect.

Exit codes are 0 (success) or non-zero (failure). See Software component exit codes.

This utility does not accept the @data parameter to read in options from a configuration file.

When the fast launcher option is enabled, changes to language settings are only detected by Sybase Central or Interactive SQL once the process is stopped and restarted.

To change the language settings when the fast launcher option is enabled

  1. Choose Tools » Options.

  2. On the General tab of the Options window, clear the Enable Fast Launcher option.

    Click OK.

  3. Shut down Sybase Central or Interactive SQL.

  4. Change the language settings as required. For example, running the following command changes the language settings to German:

    dblang DE
  5. Start Sybase Central or Interactive SQL.

  6. Re-enable the fast launcher option:

    1. Choose Tools » Options.
    2. On the General tab of the Options window, select the Enable Fast Launcher option.
    3. Click OK.

To change the language settings when the fast launcher option is disabled

  1. Shut down Sybase Central or Interactive SQL.

  2. Change the language settings as required. For example, running the following command changes the language settings to German:

    dblang de
  3. Restart Sybase Central or Interactive SQL.

Alternatively, you can shut down the scjview or dbisql process to stop the fast launcher.

See also

The following command displays a window containing the current settings:


The following command changes the settings to German, and displays a window containing the previous and new settings:

dblang de