-gss server option

Sets the stack size per internal execution thread in the server.

{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } -gss { integer[ k | m ] } ...
Applies to

All operating systems and servers. For Windows, this option is supported on Windows XP and later.


The number of internal execution threads is controlled by the -gn option and has a default value of 20. The -gss option allows you to lower the memory usage of the database server in environments with limited memory.

The size is the amount of memory to use, in bytes. Use k or m to specify units of kilobytes or megabytes, respectively.


A stack of the size specified by -gss is allocated for each database server task, and the maximum number of tasks is specified by the -gn option. If you set both -gss and -gn to a high value, then the database server may not be able to start, or the size of the cache can be limited significantly. For example if you specified -gss 16M and -gn 100 when starting the database server, then 1.6 GB of memory would be reserved just for stacks.

On Windows XP and later, the default stack size used by the database server is 1 MB on 32-bit operating systems, and 4 MB on 64-bit operating systems. The maximum stack size used by the database server is 16 MB on 32-bit operating systems, and 256 MB on 64-bit operating systems. This option is ignored on Windows 2000.

On Unix, the default and minimum stack size per internal execution thread is 500 KB, and the maximum stack size is 4 MB.

This option is supported on PocketPC 2003 and later. On supported Windows Mobile platforms, the default and minimum stack size is 64 KB and the maximum stack size is 512 KB. On earlier Windows Mobile platforms, 1MB per thread of address space is reserved.

See also