-cm server option

Specifies the amount of address space allocated for an Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) cache on Windows.

{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } -cm { size[ k | m | g | p ] } ...
Applies to



When using an AWE cache on any of the supported platforms, the database server uses its entire address space except for 512 MB to access the cache memory. The 512 MB address space is left available for other purposes, such as DLLs that the server must load and for non-cache memory allocations. On most systems, the default setting is sufficient. If you need to increase or decrease the amount of reserved address space, you can do so by specifying the -cm option. The database server displays the amount of address space it is using in the database server messages window at startup.

The size is the amount of memory, in bytes. Use k, m, or g to specify units of kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, respectively.

The unit p is a percentage of the maximum non-AWE cache size. If you use p, the argument is a percentage. You can use % as an alternative to P, but as most non-Unix operating systems use % as an environment variable escape character, you must escape the % character. To set the minimum cache size to 50 percent of the address space, you would use the following:

dbeng11 -cm 50%% ...
See also