Prepare to run the setup script

Replication Server uses a special data server maintenance user login name for each local database containing replicated tables. This allows Replication Server to maintain and update the replicated tables in the database.

The maintenance user

The setup script creates a maintenance user with name dbmaint and password dbmaint. The maintenance user has DBA authority in the SQL Anywhere database, which allows it full control over the database. For security reasons, you should change the maintenance user ID and password.

To change the maintenance user ID and password

  1. Open the rssetup.sql setup script in a text editor. The script is held in the scripts subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation directory.

  2. Change all occurrences of the dbmaint user ID to the new maintenance user ID of your choice.

  3. Change the dbmaint password to the new maintenance user password of your choice. The password occurs in the following place at the top of the setup script file:

    GRANT CONNECT TO dbmaint
    IDENTIFIED BY dbmaint;
The materialization user ID

When Replication Server connects to a database to materialize the initial copy of the data in the replication, it does so using the Replication Server system administrator account.

The SQL Anywhere database must have a user ID and password that match the Replication Server system administrator user ID and password. SQL Anywhere does not accept a NULL password.

The setup script assumes a user ID of sa and a password of sysadmin for the Replication Server administrator. You should change this to match the actual name and password.

To change the system administrator user ID and password

  1. Open the rssetup.sql setup script in a text editor.

  2. Change all occurrences of the sa user ID to match the Replication Server system administrator user ID.

  3. Change the sa user's password to match the Replication Server system administrator password.

    The password has the initial setting of sysadmin.