Stopping a database server in a mirroring system

There may be situations where you need to stop the primary, mirror, or arbiter server. You can use the Stop Database utility (dbstop) to do this.

You must use a connection to the utility database to stop the server, so it is recommended that you include the -su server option when starting the database server. See Using the utility database.

To use the alternate server name for the database server running the mirror database, you must use the -sm option when starting the database server. See -sm database option.

To stop a primary, mirror, or arbiter server

  • Issue a dbstop command to stop the database server.

    For example, the following command stops a database server named myarbiter:

    dbstop -c "UID=DBA;PWD=sql;DBN=utility_db;LINKS=tcpip" myarbiter