Text completion keyboard shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available when the text completion list is open.

Key Description
Ctrl+C Shows only columns in the text completion list.
Ctrl+F Shows only SQL functions in the text completion list.
Ctrl+P Shows only stored procedures and functions in the text completion list.
Ctrl+S Changes the contents of the list to show or hide system objects.
Ctrl+Shift+Space Opens the text completion window. You can also use Ctrl+Space to open the text completion window.
Ctrl+T Shows only tables in the text completion list.
Ctrl+V Shows only views in the text completion list.
Escape Closes the text completion window without adding any text.
Tab Toggles between a list of all database object names and a list of names that match what has been typed so far.

For tables, inserts a comma separated list of columns, including data types.

For stored procedures, inserts the procedure name, followed by a comma-separated list of parameter names and their data types.


For tables, inserts a comma-separated list of columns.

For stored procedures, inserts the procedure name, followed by a comma-separated list of parameter names.

" Completes the name, enclosing it in quotation marks, regardless of the setting of the quoted_identifier option. See quoted_identifier option [compatibility].