Connecting to the sample database on Mac OS X

On Mac OS X, shortcuts are included

To connect to the sample database from Interactive SQL (Mac OS X)

  1. In the Finder, locate the SQL Anywhere sample database. By default, it is located in /Applications/SQLAnywhere11/System/demo.db.

  2. Copy this file to a location where you have read and write access, such as the Desktop.

  3. In the Finder, double-click DBLauncher.

    DBLauncher is located under /Applications/SQLAnywhere11 by default.

  4. Select the Local Server option.

    The Local Server option does not allow client/server communications over a network.

  5. Click Start to start a personal database server named demo.

    The database server messages window displays licensing information and performance warnings.

  6. Start Interactive SQL. In the Finder, double-click Interactive SQL in /Applications/SQLAnywhere11.

    Interactive SQL opens, and the Connect window appears.

  7. Type DBA as the user ID, and sql as the password, and then click OK.