Creating an integrated login

User profiles can only be mapped to an existing database user ID. When that database user ID is removed from the database, all integrated login mappings based on that database user ID are automatically removed.

A user or group profile does not have to exist for it to be mapped to a database user ID. More than one user profile can be mapped to the same database user ID.

You must have DBA authority to create or delete an integrated login mapping.

An integrated login mapping is made either using a wizard in Sybase Central or a SQL statement.

To map an integrated login (Sybase Central)

  1. Connect to the database as a user with DBA authority.

  2. Select the Login Mappings folder in the left pane.

  3. From the File menu, choose New » Login Mapping.

  4. On the second page of the wizard, specify the name of the system (computer) user or group profile for whom the integrated login is to be created.

    Also, select the database user ID this user maps to. The wizard displays the available database users. You must select one of these. You can not add a new database user ID.

  5. Follow the remaining instructions in the wizard.

To map an integrated login (SQL)

  1. Connect to the database as a user with DBA authority.

  2. Execute a GRANT INTEGRATED LOGIN TO statement.


The following SQL statement allows Windows users fran_whitney and matthew_cobb to log in to the database as the user DBA, without having to know or provide the DBA user ID or password.

TO fran_whitney, matthew_cobb

See GRANT statement.

The following SQL statement allows Windows users who are members of the Windows NT group mywindowsusers to log in to the database as the user DBA, without having to know or provide the DBA user ID or password.

TO mywindowsusers

See Creating integrated logins for Windows user groups.