Using the Code Editor

The Code Editor appears as a SQL tab in the right pane of Sybase Central, as a separate window in Sybase Central, and as the SQL Statements pane in Interactive SQL where you can display, edit, and print code and messages.

Beyond the standard text editing functions, the Code Editor provides the following functionality:

  • a toolbar and status bar
  • automatic syntax highlighting
  • language-sensitive indenting
  • the ability to find and replace text
  • the ability to open from and save to files (the availability of this functionality depends on the plug-in you are using)
  • the ability to print the code
  • text completion when typing code

To open the Code Editor in a separate window

  1. Select a database object, such as a stored procedure, view, or trigger, in the left or right pane of Sybase Central.

  2. Choose File » Edit In New Window, or press Ctrl+E.

Customizing the Code Editor

You can customize the display characteristics of the Code Editor using the Options window. This window lets you change settings for the foreground and background colors, as well as the overall Code Editor appearance. All changes you make persist between sessions.

To set Code Editor settings when editing on the SQL tab

  1. From the File menu, choose Customize Editor.

  2. Configure the settings on the various tabs. Click OK.

To set Code Editor settings when editing in a separate window

  1. In the Code Editor, choose Tools » Options.

  2. Configure the settings on the various tabs. Click OK.

Code Editor keyboard shortcuts