Recovering from media failure on a mirrored transaction log

The following steps explain how to recover from a media failure when you are using a mirrored transaction log. If your database is a primary site in a Replication Server installation, or a consolidated database in a SQL Remote installation, you should use a mirrored transaction log, or hardware equivalent.

To recover from media failure on a mirrored transaction log

  1. Make an extra copy of the backup of your database file taken at the time the transaction log was started.

  2. Identify which of the two files is corrupt. Run the Log Translation utility on the transaction log and on its mirror to see which one generates an error message. The Log Translation utility is accessible from Sybase Central or as the dbtran utility.

    The following command line translates a transaction log named demo.log, placing the translated output into demo.sql:

    dbtran demo.log

    The Log Translation utility properly translates the intact file, and reports an error while translating the corrupt file.

  3. Copy the correct file over the corrupt file so that you have two identical files again.

  4. Restart the server.