About this book

The Open Client Client-Library/C Reference Manual, contains reference information for the C version of Open Client Client-Library.


This manual is a reference manual for programmers who are writing Client-Library applications. It is written for application programmers who are familiar with the C programming language.

How to use this book

Use this manual as a source of reference information, when you are writing a Client-Library application.

Although there is some introductory material about application development in this book, application programmers should read the Open Client Client-Library/C Programmer’s Guide before designing a Client-Library application.

Related documents

In addition, the following manuals will prove to be particularly useful:

Other sources of information

Use the Sybase Getting Started CD, the Sybase Technical Library CD and the Technical Library Product Manuals Web site to learn more about your product:

Sybase certifications on the Web

Technical documentation at the Sybase Web site is updated frequently.

StepsFinding the latest information on product certifications

  1. Point your Web browser to Technical Documents.

  2. Select Products from the navigation bar on the left.

  3. Select a product name from the product list and click Go.

  4. Select the Certification Report filter, specify a time frame, and click Go.

  5. Click a Certification Report title to display the report.

StepsCreating a personalized view of the Sybase Web site (including support pages)

Set up a MySybase profile. MySybase is a free service that allows you to create a personalized view of Sybase Web pages.

  1. Point your Web browser to Technical Documents.

  2. Click MySybase and create a MySybase profile.

Sybase EBFs and software updates

StepsFinding the latest information on EBFs and software updates

  1. Point your Web browser to the Sybase Support Page.

  2. Select EBFs/Updates. Enter user name and password information, if prompted (for existing Web accounts) or create a new account (a free service).

  3. Select a product.

  4. Specify a time frame and click Go.

  5. Click the Info icon to display the EBF/Update report, or click the product description to download the software.


Client-Library routine syntax is shown in a bold, monospace font:

CS_RETCODE ct_init(context, version)
 CS_CONTEXT *context;
 CS_INT              version;

Program text and computer output are shown in a monospace font:

ct_init(mycontext, CS_VERSION_100);

Structure names and symbolic constants are shown in capital letters:


Routine names and Transact-SQL keywords are written in a narrow, bold font:

ct_init, the select statement

Code fragments

Most code fragments in this book are taken from the online Client-Library example programs. See the Open Client and Open Server Programmer’s Supplement for a description of these examples and their location in your Sybase installation directory.

Many code fragments in this book reference routines and symbols defined in the example programs, for example:

if (ct_close(connection, CS_UNUSED) != CS_SUCCEED)

	ex_error(“ct_close failed”);

All ex_ and EX_ symbols used in this book’s code examples are defined in the online example programs. They are not part of the Client-Library programming interface.

If you need help

Each Sybase installation that has purchased a support contract has one or more designated people who are authorized to contact Sybase Technical Support. If you cannot resolve a problem using the manuals or online help, please have the designated person contact Sybase Technical Support or the Sybase subsidiary in your area.