CS_CLIENTMSG structure

A CS_CLIENTMSG structure contains information about a Client-Library error or informational message.

Client-Library uses a CS_CLIENTMSG structure in two ways:

For information on how to handle Client-Library error handling and server message handling, see “Error handling”.

A CS_CLIENTMSG structure is defined as follows:

 ** The Client-Library client message structure.
 typedef struct _cs_clientmsg
     CS_INT      severity;
     CS_MSGNUM   msgnumber;
     CS_CHAR     msgstring[CS_MAX_MSG];
     CS_INT      msgstringlen;
     ** If the error involved the operating
     ** system, the following fields contain 
     ** operating-system-specific information:
     CS_INT      osnumber;
     CS_CHAR     osstring[CS_MAX_MSG];
     CS_INT      osstringlen;
     ** Other information:
     CS_INT      status;
     CS_BYTE     sqlstate[CS_SQLSTATE_SIZE];
     CS_INT      sqlstatelen;
