You cannot build your applications directly against the ASE ODBC Driver on Windows and Mac OS X platforms. You need to build your applications against an ODBC Driver Manager on these platforms.
You can build applications without using an ODBC Driver Manager on Linux. The ASE ODBC Driver is a shared dynamic library called This file is usually located in the $SYBASE/DataAccess/ODBC/lib directory, where $SYBASE is the Sybase installation root directory.
To link an ODBC application with the ASE ODBC
Driver on Linux
Pass the -lsybdrvodb
and -L<dir
to ASE ODBC Driver>
flags to the linker, where
the <dir to ASE ODBC Driver> is usually
the $SYBASE/DataAccess/ODBC/lib directory.
When deploying your application, verify that the directory containing the ASE ODBC Driver shared library ($SYBASE/DataAccess/ODBC/lib, where $SYBASE is the Sybase installation root directory) is included in the user’s library path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux).