You can configure the ASE ODBC Driver using the iODBC Administrator.
To configure a data source
Start the iODBC Administrator from Applications | Utilities.
Select the User DSN tab. The Choose a Driver window opens.
Select the Adaptive Server Enterprise Driver you want to use.
Click OK.
Provide a name for your data source in the Data Source Name (DSN) field.
Provide a description for your data source in the Description field.
Click Add to add keyword value pairs. Repeat this step until you have added all the keyword value pairs. For example:
Keyword Value UserID sa Password Server sampleserver Port 4100 Database pubs2 UseCursor 1
Click OK to save the changes.
For more information on installing and configuring drivers
and data sources using the iODBC Administrator on Mac OS X, look
up the iODBC Administrator online help.