Following is a list of connection parameters apart from the DSN parameter that can be supplied to the ASE ODBC Driver.
Property names |
Description |
Required |
Default value |
UID, UserID |
A case-sensitive user ID required to connect to the ASE server. |
Yes |
Empty |
PWD, Password |
A case-sensitive password to connect to the ASE server. |
No, if the user name does not require a password |
Empty |
Server |
The name or the IP address of the ASE server. |
Yes |
Empty |
Port |
The port number of ASE server. |
Yes |
Empty |
Database |
The database to which you want to connect. |
No |
Empty |
UseCursor |
Specifies whether cursors are to be used by the driver. 0 indicates do not use cursors and 1 indicates use cursors. |
No |
0 |
ApplicationName |
The name to be used by ASE to identify the client application. |
No |
Empty |
PacketSize |
The number of bytes per network packet transferred between ASE and the client. |
No |
512 |
CharSet |
The designated character set. The specified character set must be installed on the ASE server. |
No |
Empty |
Language |
The language in which ASE returns error messages. |
No |
Empty – ASE uses English by default |
Encryption |
The designated encryption. Possible values: ssl. |
No |
Empty |
TrustedFile |
If encryption is set to ssl, this property should be set to the path to the Trusted File. |
No |
Empty |
The URL to the LDAP server. |
No |
Empty |
DSPrincipal |
The user name used to authenticate on the LDAP server, if the LDAP server does not allow anonymous access. The principal can be specified in the DSURL as well. |
No |
Empty |
DSPassword |
The password used to authenticate on the LDAP server, if the LDAP server does not allow anonymous access. The password can be specified in the Directory Service URL (DSURL) as well. |
No |
Empty |
DynamicPrepare |
When set to 1 the driver sends SQLPrepare calls to ASE to compile/prepare. This can boost performance if you reuse the same query over and over again. |
No |
0 |
LoginTimeOut |
Number of seconds to wait for a login attempt before returning to the application. If set to 0, the timeout is disabled and a connection attempt waits for an indefinite period of time. |
No |
10 |
QuotedIdentifier |
Specifies if ASE treats character strings enclosed in double quotes as identifiers. 0 indicates do not enable quoted identifiers, 1 indicates enable quoted identifiers. |
No |
0 |
HASession |
Specifies if high availability is enabled. 0 indicates high availability disabled, 1 high availability enabled. |
No |
0 |
SecondaryServer |
The name or the IP address of the ASE server acting as a failover server in an active-active or active-passive setup. |
Yes, if HASession is set to 1 |
Empty |
SecondaryPort |
The port number of the ASE server acting as a failover server in an active-active or active-passive setup. |
Yes, if HASession is set to 1 |
Empty |
EncryptedPassword |
Specifies if password encryption is enabled. 0 indicates password encryption is disabled, 1 indicates password encryption is enabled. |
No |
0 |
BufferPoolSize |
Keeps the input / output buffers in pool. When large results will occur, increase this value to boost performance. |
No |
20 |
By default the driver returns the total records updated when multiple update statements are executed in a stored procedure. This count will also include all updates happening as part of the triggers set on an update or an insert. Set this property to 0 if you want the driver to return only the last update count. |
No |
1 |
ClientHostName |
The name of the client host passed in the login record to the server. |
No |
Empty |
ClientHostProc |
The identity of client process on this host machine passed in the login record to the server. |
No |
Empty |
TextSize |
The maximum size of binary or text data that will be sent over the wire. |
No |
Empty. ASE default is 32K. |
AnsiNull |
Strict ODBC compliance where you cannot use “= NULL.” Instead, you must use “IsNull.” |
No |
1 |
ServerInitiated Transactions |
When SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT is set to ‘1’, Adaptive Server starts managing transactions as needed. The driver issues a “set chained on” command on the connection. Older ODBC Drivers do not make use of this feature and manage the job of starting transactions. Set this property to’'0’, if you want to maintain the old behavior or require that your connection not use “chained” transaction mode. |
No |
1 |