Datatype translation issues

If you use the heterogeneous datatype support (HDS) feature of Replication Server to perform either column- or class-level translations on replicated data, you must perform datatype translations on the subscription data you unload from the primary database for materialization:

NoteWhen Replication Server processes data for replication, column-level translations are performed before class-level translations. Therefore, if you must perform datatype translations on subscription data based on both column-level translation and class-level translations, you must perform the column-level translation first.

Datatype definitions are specified in scripts provided with Replication Server. These scripts define the attributes of the non-Sybase database native datatypes in terms of Replication Server native datatypes. You can use the datatype definitions in these scripts to determine how to translate the datatypes in the subscription data that you unload from the primary database.

Following are the scripts that support non-Sybase data servers:

Class-level translations identify primary database native datatypes and the replicate database native datatypes that data should be translated into. (For example, Oracle DATE should be translated to DB2 TIMESTAMP.)

A set of scripts is provided with Replication Server for each combination of supported primary and replicate data servers. For example, the following scripts are provided for DB2 for OS/390 as a replicate database:

You can use the datatype translations specified in these scripts to determine how to translate the datatypes in the subscription data that you unload from the primary database.

NoteDatatype translations based on class-level translation scripts must be performed after column-level translations.

For more information about Replication Server HDS datatype translations, see “Replication Server heterogeneous datatype support”.