How mnemonic.dat is used

mnemonic.dat is used only if the conversion configuration file (charset.cfg) for a destination character set specifies a mode of “Mnemonic.” If this is the case, then at conversion time mnemonic.dat is used as follows:

  1. If a source character is found to be unmappable in the destination character set, Sybase software converts the source character to Unicode UCS-2.

  2. Sybase looks up the UCS-2 encoding in the mnemonic.dat file and uses the mnemonic string associated with it in the destination data stream.

  3. If mnemonic.dat does not contain a suitable string, a Unicode UCS-2 hexadecimal string is used in the destination data stream.

See the Open Client and Open Server International Developer’s Guide for a detailed description on the character-set conversion process.