Bulk copy (bcp) support for long char client-side character-set conversion provides conversion when expansion occurs between the client and server character sets. When invoked, the conversion of the data represented in the server’s character takes place when the data takes up more space than the same data in the client’s character set. This is usually the case when converting to Unicode UTF-8 encoding (when a single byte can translate to 1-3 bytes in UTF-8) and when converting between two popular Japanese language encodings: SJIS and EUC. Popularized by Microsoft, SJIS encoding is mostly used by Windows clients, while EUC encoding is traditionally used by UNIX computers.
The bcp utility performs character-set conversion locally on the client side when bcp direction is “in”. The character set expansion factor is greater than 1, where expansion is taking place between the client and the server. This new feature is enabled in the utility by setting the -Y command line option. For bcp utility information, refer to the Open Client and Open Server Programmer’s Supplement for your platform.
When a data truncation error occurs during client-side
character set conversion, a general error message is displayed.