Installing EBFs

To ensure that your installation is the most current, Sybase strongly recommends that, after you have installed SDK and Open Server version 12.5.1, you download and install the corresponding latest available EBFs. You can download product updates at Sybase Downloads.

Each Open Server release includes a subset of the SDK. Thus, Open Server EBFs contain two separate version strings: one for the Open Server EBF, and one for the SDK files, such as Client-Library, isql, and bcp.

For example, in an Open Server product, the Server-Library version string might be Server-Library/12.5.1/P-EBF9728-9715, and the Client-Library string might be Client-Library/12.5.1/P-EBF9728-9715. In these version strings, 9728 identifies the Open Server EBF, and 9715 identifies the Client-Library file (as well as other SDK files).

To verify that you are using the correct version of Open Server, enter the following command to check the version string of libsrv:

strings libsrv.a | grep Sybase