Cursor example

The following example shows how to nest two cursors. Cursor c2 depends upon the value fetched into title-id from cursor c1.

The program gets the value of title-id at open time, not at declare time.

exec sql include sqlca;
     exec sql begin declare section;
        CS_CHAR		title_id[7];
        CS_CHAR		title[81];
        CS_INT  	totalsales;
        CS_SMALLINT	salesind;
        CS_CHAR 	au_lname[41];
        CS_CHAR 	au_fname[21];
     exec sql end declare section;
exec sql whenever sqlerror call error_handler();
exec sql whenever sqlwarning call error_handler();
exec sql whenever not found continue;
exec sql connect “sa” identified by ““;
exec sql declare c1 cursor for
     select title_id, title, total_sales from pubs2..titles;
exec sql declare c2 cursor for
     select au_lname, au_fname from pubs2..authors
     where au_id in (select au_id from pubs2..titleauthor
            where title_id = :title_id);
exec sql open c1;
for (;;)
     exec sql fetch c1 into :title_id, :title,
         :totalsales :salesind;
     if (sqlca.sqlcode ==100)
     printf(“\nTitle ID: %s, Total Sales: %d”, title_id, totalsales);
     printf(“\n%s”, title);
     if (totalsales > 10)
        exec sql open c2;
        for (;;)
            exec sql fetch c2 into :au_lname, :au_fname;
                if (sqlca.sqlcode == 100)
            printf(“\n\tauthor: %s, %s”, au_lname, au_fname);
        exec sql close c2;
exec sql close c1;
exec sql disconnect all;
exec sql disconnect all;

See the online sample programs for more examples using cursors. For details on accessing the online examples, see the Open Client/Server Programmer’s Supplement for your platform.