When the precompiler encounters the include sqlca statement, it inserts the SQLCA structure declaration into the application program. SQLCA is a data structure containing precompiler-determined system variables, each of which can be accessed independently. Your application program should never directly alter these variables.
SQLCA variables pass information to your application program about the status of the most recently executed Embedded SQL statement.
The following table describes the SQLCA variables that hold status information, return codes, error codes, and error messages generated by Adaptive Server:
Variable |
Datatype |
Description |
sqlcaid |
char |
Text string that contains “sqlca”. |
sqlcabc |
long |
Length of SQLCA. |
sqlcode |
long |
Contains the return code of the most recently executed SQL statement. See SQLCODE values for return code definitions. |
sqlwarn[0] to sqlwarn[7] |
char |
Warning flags. Each flag indicates whether a warning has been issued: a ‘W’ for warning, or a blank space for no warning. Chapter 8 describes the sqlwarn flags. |
sqlerrm.sqlerrmc[ ] |
char |
Error message. |
sqlerrm.sqlerrml |
long |
Error message length. |
sqlerrp |
char |
Procedure that detected error/warning. |
sqlerrd[6] |
long |
Details of error/warning. [2] is the number of rows affected. |