Uninstalling M-Business Server on UNIX

Uninstalling on Solaris removes M-Business Server and the database of user, group, and channel information. If you want to preserve the database, move the directory <M-Business_Home>/ASA/data/ to a new location before uninstalling.


<M-Business_Home> is the M-Business home directory that is created under the location that you specify during installation. For more information, see The M-Business home directory.

To uninstall M-Business Server on UNIX
  1. Log in as root.

  2. Change directories to <M-Business_Home>/conf.

    cd <M-Business_Home>

  3. Stop the synchronization process by typing:

    ./agserver stop all

  4. Go to the <M-Business_Home> parent directory:

    cd ../..

  5. Remove the <M-Business_Home> directory by entering:

    rm -r <M-Business_Home>