Configuring M-Business Server after installation

This guide covers the primary tasks involved in installing and upgrading M-Business Server. The Administrator Guide for M-Business Anywhere Server covers all the tasks involve in configuring and maintaining M-Business Server after installation.

After you have completed the installation and upgrade instructions in this guide, go on to the Administrator Guide for M-Business Anywhere Server to find instructions for configuring your M-Business Server. The "Post-installation checklist" topic in that guide contains links to all the tasks that you are likely to need to perform immediately after installing M-Business Server.

If you have opened this guide from the Getting Started CD image that contains the M-Business Server installer for your platform, the Administrator Guide for M-Business Anywhere Server is not available on that CD image.

To access the Administrator Guide for M-Business Anywhere Server, follow the instructions for accessing the M-Business Anywhere documentation set in The M-Business Anywhere documentation set.

Working with local PDF files

If you have downloaded the PDF files for this guide and for the Administrator Guide for M-Business Anywhere Server into the same local directory, the link below will take you directly to the "Configuration to complete the installation" topic in that guide:

Configuration to complete the installation

Other approaches

If you are unable to make the link above work:

  • Open the Administrator Guide for M-Business Anywhere Server online.

  • Navigate to the "Introduction" chapter, then to the "Post-installation checklist" topic near the end of that chapter.