Supporting double-byte character set (DBCS) data

The sample XSD in Creating the XSD file does not specify a character set. This works fine for English and most western European languages. If your data uses a double-byte character set, or a special character set for Eastern European languages, you must include a character set specification in the definition of each XSD data element. You do this by including a deviceEncoding attribute in the element definition. In our example in Creating the XSD file, this would change the Employees element definition as follows—added text is bolded:

<xsd:element name="Employees" 

M-Business XML conduit's DBCS support is currently limited to the UTF-8 character set. For more general information about handling XML data that involves DBCS double-byte character sets, see Avoiding problems with double-byte characters in XML data.


When you add the appropriate deviceEncoding attribute to each element definition, double-byte character data is fully supported. However, you should avoid using double-byte characters in element names, or elsewhere outside the data itself, if you plan to use the M-Business XML API. Some functions and methods may fail when double-byte character labels are encountered outside of the data.