Sample application using UltraLite for M-Business Anywhere

This sample application uses the MobiLink Redirector and one-button synchronization features of M-Business Client, version 5.5 and later, along with MobiLink in SQL Anywhere. For basic information on using the UltraLite API for M-Business Anywhere, see UltraLite M-Business Anywhere Programming, referenced in Related publications. That document includes a tutorial and complete details on the UltraLite for M-Business Anywhere interface.

This sample application demonstrates how to develop and deploy a basic Web application using M-Business Client and M-Business Server to deploy the user interface, along with MobiLink data synchronization and UltraLite remote database to synchronize with a consolidated SQL Anywhere back-end database.


It is highly recommended that you complete the UltraLite for M-Business Anywhere Tutorial, referenced in Related publications, before working with this sample code. That tutorial goes into much greater detail on the implementation of UltraLite and M-Business Anywhere. This sample code is more advanced and focuses on the features introduced in SQL Anywhere 10.0.1

System requirements
Download sample files and configure the Web server
Configure MobiLink, back-end database, and M-Business Server to synchronize
Using the sample
Doing a code walkthrough