Create the SQL Anywhere consolidated database and add a Publication.
Within the install directory, locate the reload.sql script:
CREATE TABLE "DBA"."exeuser" ( "exeuserid" uniqueidentifier NOT NULL DEFAULT newid(*), "fname" varchar(100) NULL, "address" varchar(200) NULL, "weight" integer NULL, "height" varchar(10) NULL, "bodyfat" integer NULL, "datecreated" date NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("exeuserid"), |
) go CREATE TABLE "DBA"."bikeride" ( "bikerid" uniqueidentifier NOT NULL DEFAULT newid(*), "ridedate" date NULL, "fname" varchar(100) NULL, "miles" integer NULL, "hrate" integer NULL, "ridelength" integer NULL, "loop" varchar(100) NULL, "notes" varchar(1000) NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("bikerid"), |
) go CREATE PUBLICATION "DBA"."exeuser" ( TABLE "DBA"."bikeride"( "bikerid", "ridedate", "fname", "miles", "hrate", "ridelength", "loop", "notes" ), TABLE "DBA"."exeuser"( "exeuserid", "fname", "address", "weight", "height", "bodyfat", "datecreated" ) ); go commit; |
The key functions create two tables (exeuser
and bikeride
) within the exercisedb
consolidated database, and a publication named exeuser
. The publication is used to synchronize this database using MobiLink.
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