When users submit a form, it waits around on the device in a repository called the Forms Manager. This is where your form is kept until your mobile device is synchronized again. At that point, the data is sent to the cgi-bin script (or other action) associated with the form. It is processed, then the resulting HTML page is sent back to the mobile device.
There is just the one remaining question of where to place the results. It would probably be a bad idea to replace your channel's front page with the form results. So again we place the result into the Forms Manager. This is the area on your mobile device where we store both the filled-out forms waiting to be processed, and the returned results for the user to view.
Within M-Business Client, if you select the menu, and then choose Channels » Forms Manager, you will find yourself looking at any forms you currently have queued for processing, along with any earlier forms you have submitted and their results.
So when a user submits a form, it is stored on the mobile device, processed during the next synchronization, and the result is kept in the Forms Manager for the user to read at his leisure. In theory.
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