Use a database, store only user ID in cookie

One solution is to use the same strategy that we used in Customizing Content for Users and Devices—that is, store only the user's ID in a cookie and keep track of his three last searches in a database. Any database worth its salt will make sure that one request is finished altering a row before the next one is allowed to start.


Even here, there is room for error. Suppose your program does something like this:

Step 1: SELECT search1, search2, search3 FROM searchtable WHERE userid=$cookie_userid;

Step 2: (code to set $newsearch3=search2, $newsearch2=search1, $newsearch1=$new_search_string)

Step 3: UPDATE searchtable SET search1=$newsearch1, search2=$newsearch2, search3=$newsearch3 WHERE userid=$cookie_userid;

You can run into problems if a concurrently running program executes an UPDATE while you are busy running step 2. You will probably want to insert a LOCK statement before step 1, and an UNLOCK statement after step 3, to prevent other programs from reading that row until you are finished altering it.