Preventing download of unwanted pages with Follow Offsite Links

If you need to include in your channel one or more pages from a Web site that is outside your channel Web site, you have to be careful. You have no control over what additional links appear on those pages, and so you risk having completely irrelevant content included when users synchronize your channel. At a minimum, this will unnecessarily increase your channel's synchronization time. In the worst case, this could even cause some of your channel's pages not to download, if the irrelevant pages are picked up first and cause your channel's Channel Size Limit to be exceeded.


You can prevent unwanted offsite pages from being included in your channel by placing all of the offsite links on pages within your channel Web site which are at Link Depth minus one. This ensures that a link a page outside your Web site will not return any additional pages that are linked from the page that you want, because they will lie beyond your Link Dept setting. For a full explanation of how Link Depth works, see the "Link Depth" topic in Description of channel settings.