Installing M-Business Client on the Palm emulator

I will not go through the entire process of installing and setting up the emulator. There is pretty good documentation available at Palm's site, but here are a few steps you need to perform to run M-Business Client on the emulator.

To install M-Business Client on the Palm emulator
  1. Start up the emulator.

  2. Right click the emulator to display the shortcut menu.

  3. Choose Install Application » Database » Other » Install.

  4. Select avantgo.prc, libsmal.prc, and MobileLink.prc.

    If you have recently installed M-Business Client on your Palm OS device, chances are they are available somewhere on your hard drive, most likely in your Palm\(username)\backup\ directory.

  5. Right click the emulator to display the shortcut menu.

  6. Choose Settings » Properties to display the Properties dialog.

    Properties dialog of Palm Emulator
  7. Select the checkbox that says Redirect NetLib calls to host TCP/IP.

  8. Click OK to save your settings.