Specifying channel settings

Your next step is to tell your M-Business Sync Server about your new channel.

To specify channel settings
  1. Log in to the M-Business Server Administrator Console.

  2. In the Navigation Panel, choose Groups » List Groups.

  3. Locate your test group in the list and click its link under Group Name.

    The Edit Group page appears.

  4. In the Navigation Panel, choose Groups » Edit Group » Channels » Create.

    The Create a Channel for Group form appears.


    You can also create public channels, which are available to all users. If private channels are allowed, individual users may create channels that are only available to them. Group channels are the most common type of M-Business channel.

The rest of this section describes the settings on this form.


Although you are probably setting up a group channel, notes are included below about differences in the settings available when you set up a public channel, or when a user sets up a personal channel.

Description of channel settings
Settings that users can change
Saving channel settings