Submitting forms

M-Business Client supports form submissions on HTML pages. In desktop browsers, a submitted form is sent immediately to an HTTP server. M-Business Client also sends a submitted form immediately to an HTTP server, if the mobile device is online. If the device is offline, M-Business Client queues the form for submission the next time the device is synchronized to the M-Business Sync Server.

In M-Business Client (and desktop browsers) the submit() method of the Form object can be used to submit a form programmatically. If the device is online, this method submits the form and displays a new page. If the device is offline, this method queues up the form submission for submission the next time the device is synchronized.

M-Business JavaScript engine also supports the following extensions to the JavaScript methods of the Form object for form submission: submitForm( ), submitNoResponse( ), and submitWithResponse( ). Use these methods if the form attributes are decided at run time. For example, you might want to set the agsumbitSize attribute to a smaller value when online than when offline. Otherwise, you should embed the properties in the Form tag in your HTML.

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