In interactions with your channel's Web server, cookies work just like cookies in the desktop Internet world. Users' cookies are passed back and forth between M-Business Server and your channel's Web server, and those cookies are used by the Web server the same way they would be in the desktop Internet world.
With M-Business Anywhere, however, the cookies are not stored locally where the browser is running (on the device), but in M-Business Server's database. This means that your application cannot use values stored in cookies to determine what to do next.
M-Business Anywhere provides two on-device database options that you can use in your applications:
UltraLite for M-Business Anywhere, which allows your application to update the back-end database from on-device user changes. For more information, see Using UltraLite for M-Business Anywhere for On-device Data.
M-Business XML POD, which uses less on-device resources than UltraLite, but does not allow your application to update the back-end database from on-device user changes. For more information, see Using M-Business XML Conduit and APIand Building Applications with M-Business XML Conduit.
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