AGDBSet object

  • Inherits from: AGDBObject

  • Available to: JavaScript and C

An AGDBSet object represents the entire set of records from a table. At any time, the AGDBSet object refers to only a single record within the set as the current record. You can create as many AGDBSet objects as you need.

When you open an AGDBSet object, the current record is positioned to the first record (if any) and the atbof( ) and ateof( ) methods return FALSE. If there are no records, the atbof( ) and ateof( ) methods return TRUE.

Summary of AGDBSet attributes and methods
addNew( )
atbof( )
ateof( )
close( )
commit( )
createSearch( )
deleteRow( )
filterDeleteRecords( )
find( )
getBlobField( )
getBooleanField( )
getDateField( )
getDoubleField( )
getInt32Field( )
getUInt32Field( )
getInt16Field( )
getUInt16Field( )
getStringField( )
moveBy( )
moveFirst( )
moveLast( )
moveNext( )
movePrev( )
moveTo( )
removeRow( )
rowDeleted( )
rowUpdated( )
setBlobField( )
setBooleanField( )
setDateField( )
setDoubleField( )
setInt32Field( )
setUInt32Field( )
setInt16Field( )
setUInt16Field( )
setStringField( )
setFilter( )
setSort( )
undo( )