createSubmissionElement( )

Creates PODSSubmissionElement object.



IDL definition
PODSSubmissionElement createSubmissionElement(
  PODSString name,
  PODSString value
JavaScript synopsis
sub.createSubmissionElement(name, value)
C synopsis
PODSSubmissionElement* createSubmissionElement(
  PODSSubmission* sub,
  PODSString name,
  PODSString value
  • sub   The PODSSubmission object.

  • name   [in] The name for the PODSSubmissionElement object.

  • value   [in] The value for the PODSSubmissionElement object representing untyped form data to be added to the submission.


The PODSSubmissionElement object created.


The createSubmissionElement() method does not add the submission element to the submission. You must call appendSubmissionElement( ) to add it to the submission, then call saveSubmission for your change to take effect.

Note that when creating form data objects, you do not specify the type.

See also

appendSubmissionElement( ), appendSubmission( ), createSubmission( ), saveSubmission( )