Use to create/update a Web channel.
{ unsigned int chanType; unsigned int refUserOrGroupId; string title; string url; unsigned int maxSize; unsigned int linkDepth; boolean allowImages; boolean offsitelinks; string refreshBehaviour; unsigned int hours; unsigned int wdo; string rtime; unsigned int flags; boolean allowBinaryDistribution; boolean isHidden; unsigned int colorDepth; string description; unsigned int category; boolean syncOnlyChannel; string startSyncUrl; string endSyncUrl; };
chanType The type of channel, selected from one of ChannelType.
refUserOrGroupId The user or group ID of channel’s owner.
title The channel’s display name.
url The channel’s URL.
maxSize The channel’s maximum content size: Kbyte.
linkDepth The depth of linked pages to retrieve.
allowImages Shows channel images on device when selected.
offsitelinks Follows offsite channel links when selected.
refreshBehaviour Sets the channel content refresh schedule: values are once, always, hourly, and daily.
hours The hour interval when the refresh behavior is set to hourly.
wdo Refresh channel content on week days only: 0 = no, 1= refresh.
rtime The time of day to refresh channel content when the refresh schedule is set to daily.
flags Bit flags indicating the days of the week on which to refresh channel content.
allowBinaryDistribution Flag, when set, allows the distribution of binary files.
isHidden Flag, when set, identifies the channel as hidden.
colorDepth The color depth at which to display channel content: 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.
description A description of the public channel.
category The category of the public channel.
syncOnlyChannel Flag, when set, determines that the channel will only update during a synchronization and not go online.
startSyncUrl The first URL to retrieve as the synchronization starts.
endSyncUrl The last URL to retrieve when synchronization ends.
is an array of WebChannel
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