Configuring EEC security settings for M-Business Server

To enable SSL on M-Business Server, edit the security module settings in the sync.conf.default file. See Editing configuration files.

To configure security settings for M-Business Server
  1. Use a text editor to open <M-Business_Home>/conf/sync.conf.default.

  2. Search for and delete all instances of #SSL:.

  3. In the line containing the Sagd_CertFileName directive, delete #ECC:, then change:

    • The path to the ECC certificate (if necessary)
    • The name of your certificate

    For example, change:

    #ECC:Sagd_CertFileName @@ServerRoot@@/conf/sslecdsa.crt


    Sagd_CertFileName @@ServerRoot@@/conf/yourcompany-MM-DD-YYYY.crt

  4. In the line containing the Sagd_KeyPassword directive, delete #ECC: and replace the default password with the password you created in Generating an ECC certificate request and a private key.

  5. Save the changes.

  6. Run the defaults_setup script located in the <M-Business_Home>/conf directory.

    Windows: defaults_setup.bat

    UNIX: defaults_setup

  7. Stop and restart M-Business Server services.