Enabling debug level logging

By default, M-Business Server uses warn as the default logging level. In some cases, it may be useful to set the logging level to debug to get the most information about a problem.

To enable debug level logging
  1. In the sync.conf.default file, locate LogLevel.

  2. Change the level to debug:

    LogLevel debug
  3. At the bottom (end) of the sync.conf.default file, add a new line as shown below.

    SyncPref EnableLog <debug commands>

    Where <debug commands> is a comma-separated list of values that specifies which components should be logged. Example:

    SyncPref EnableLog mammutparser, mammutdebug

    The possible choices for debug commands for specific issues are shown below.


    The list of debug commands following SyncPref EnableLog may not contain any hard line breaks.


    This logging generates a tremendous amount of data.

    To debug everything:

    agsync, interactive, webtogo, maldebug, webtogo_trace, rover0, rover1, rover2, rover3, cache, mammutparser, mammutdebug, provider, ASA, ConduitTrace, ExtensionTrace

    To debug form submissions, page fetches, etc.:

    agsync, interactive, webtogo, maldebug, webtogo_trace, rover0, rover1, rover2, rover3, cache

    To debug caching issues

    cache, memcache 

    To debug on-device-database/xml conduit issues:

    mammutparser, mammutdebug 

    To debug the UI server:


    To debug NT domain integration issues:

    domain, ExternalAuthenticator 

    To debug issues with cookies:

    webtogo, webtogo_trace, rover0, rover1, rover2, rover3 
  4. After setting the SyncPref EnableLog values, run the defaults_setup script located in the <M-Business_Home>/conf directory.

    • Windows – defaults_setup.bat

    • UNIX – defaults_setup

  5. Restart the M-Business Sync Server service.

    See Starting, stopping, and restarting M-Business Server.

    Now the logging information will be written to the sync_error.log file located in the <M-Business_Home>/logs directory.