When you require additional capabilities, M-Business client extension API provides almost unlimited extensibility for M-Business Client. M-Business client extension API lets the developer access many of the internal functions of M-Business Client, recombining them in any way to build custom, enterprise-level applications for mobile devices.
Most of the M-Business client extension API is accessible from JavaScript. The full M-Business client extension API is accessible from C. iAnywhere recommends that you use JavaScript to access this API, unless your application requires the speed of compiled code for high-data volumes, or if a particular feature is available only in C.
The binaries compiled from C code to access the M-Business client extension API are called PODS. PODS applications are downloaded to mobile devices and can run on them even when those devices are not connected to any server. The C code that you write to create a PODS application can issue commands to the device OS and can control any device hardware for which you can get or write device drivers.
For more information on developing applications with PODS (C) or JavaScript, including steps to make custom PODS available to JavaScript, see Introduction.
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