M-Business conduit settings

The M-Business Sync Server uses the M-Business web conduit to download channel content from Web servers touser devices.


Outside of configuration files, the M-Business web conduit is referred to as WebToGo conduit is referred.




The maximum number of seconds the server waits between packets before timing out. The default is 45.


The maximum number of seconds to wait for a single document to be fetched from a remote host before timing out.


Proxy server host name. Set by @@WebToGoProxyServer@@ variable in the defaults file.


Proxy server port. Set by @@WebToGoProxyPort@@ variable in defaults file.


Exclude these domains.


User Name for proxy server. Set by @@WebToGoProxyUserName @@ variable in the defaults file.


Password for proxy server. Set by @@WebToGoProxyPassword@@ variable in defaults file.


Hostname if proxy server uses Socks instead of HTTP. Set by @@WebToGoSocksServer@@ variable in the defaults file.


Socks server port. Set by @@WebToGoSocksPort@@ variable in the defaults file.


SSL proxy server hostname. Set this directive if you need a proxy server to access HTTPS pages. Set by @@SecureProxyName@@ variable in the defaults file.


SSL proxy server port. Set this directive if you need a proxy server to access HTTPS pages. Set by @@SecureProxyPort@@ variable in the defaults file.


SSL proxy server user name. Set by @@SecureProxyUserName@@ variable in the defaults file.


SSL proxy server password. Set by @@SecureProxyPassword@@ variable in the defaults file.


Maximum size, in kilobytes, of any HTML and text files that the server attempts to deliver to devices.


Maximum size, in kilobytes, of images that the server attempts to deliver to devices.


Maximum number of redirects per page. The default is 5.


Maximum length of continuous redirect chain that will be followed. The default is 20.


Maximum default online request size, in kilobytes, for responses to requests sent up by devices. The default is 100.


Maximum number of simultaneous outbound connections the server initiates per user connection.


Maximum number of simultaneous outbound connections to a single host the server initiates per user connection.


Controls whether the server can fetch URLs that use the file:// protocol.


File extensions that the server should ignore when retrieving content.

Default: pdf, fdf, psd, au, z, xlc, fon, hlp, ico, jar, xls, xlt, xlw, mov, pic, ra, rm, ram, pfm, avi, wav, bmp, rtf, doc, arc, taz, tgz, wri, zip, gz, tar, ppt, mdb, class, subs, ps, xbm, conf, default, xml, xsd


Allows binary file types specified in a quoted and comma-separated list of file name extension to be downloaded to Microsoft OS clients.


Allows binary file types specified in a quoted and comma-separated list of mime types to be downloaded to Microsoft OS clients.


The number of seconds to wait before a user can synchronize again if the server has erroneously stopped during that user’s previous synchronization.


URL that the Mobile Link application on the desktop should use when the Content button is clicked. Set by @@UIHost@@, @@UIPort@@, and @@MALUserUri@@ variables in defaults file.


URL that devices with out-of-date Mobile Link code should be pointed to in order to upgrade to the latest software. Set by @@UIHost@@ and @@UIPort@@ variables in the defaults file.


This is the server name that appears in M-Business Connect on the desktop and on the device. This setting also appears in the defaults file. Set by @@UserFriendlyServerName@@ variable in defaults file.


Number of days cookies can remain unused without being removed from the cookie list. If set to zero, the server will keep all cookies forever. The default is 30.


Number of days after which to expire cookies. The default is 7.


This setting specifies whether the server should send the HTTP referrer field as part of the request.


When set to TRUE, this setting allows the server to fetch FTP documents.


This setting determines if the server should follow redirects specified through Meta Refresh tags. Set this to minus one if you do not want the Sync Server to follow such HTML Meta Refresh redirects. For example, setting this to 10 would force the Sync Server to follow redirects for only those documents that have a refresh value less than or equal to 10 seconds.


The maximum size (in kilobytes) that a user can allocate for all of their channels. This setting is turned off by default. This setting also appears in the defaults file. Set by @@MaxTotalChannelsSize@@ variable in defaults file.


The maximum number of bytes the server will write to a user’s device in a 24 hour period. This is turned off by default.


By default, the server will adapt to high resolution (320x320) Palm devices running Palm OS 5.x clients by delivering page layouts that take advantage of the resolution and by delivering Palm OS V3 format images. To force backward compatible 160x160 treatment instead, set Quad_PalmLoRes to TRUE .


By default, the server will adapt to high resolution (480X640) Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2003 and Windows Mobile 5 and 6 VGA devices running the 6.2 or greater client by delivering page layouts that take advantage of the increased resolution. To force backward compatible 240X320 QVGA treatment instead, set Quad_WinCELoRes to TRUE .


Controls the compression of JavaScript sent to the client. For the enterprise server it is TRUE (on) by default. For the apps server, it is FALSE (off) for faster page load times.


By default, the server will perform substitution of the variables AG_USER, AG_DEVICEOS, and AG_DEVICEPROCESSOR only within URL strings of channels that are enabled for binary download. To allow this substitution for all URLs set AllowAGUrlVariableSubst to TRUE .