Using the script to monitor supporting servers

In addition to the information available on the Server Status page in the Administrator Console, you can use the script from the command prompt to monitor the servers that support M-Business Server.

To use the script to monitor supporting servers
  1. Make sure you have Perl 5.8.x or later installed on the system where M-Business Server is running.


    Your Perl installation must include the SOAP Lite PERL and Web User Agent PERL libraries. If you download ActivePerl 5.8.x from [external link], the required libraries are included. On Windows only, the Win32::Service module is also required.

  2. In a Command Prompt window, navigate to <M-Business_Home>\monitor.

  3. Enter:

    perl <option>

    Where <option> is one of:

    • all – to see information on all of the supporting servers

    • admin – for the Admin Server, which manages the Administrator Console UI.

    • soap – for the SOAP Server, which generates the Administrator Console UI.

    • sync – for the Sync Server, which manages synchronizations between M-Business Server and M-Business Client.

    • sa – for the SQL Anywhere Server, which manages the M-Business Server database.

    When all servers are running, the command output looks like this:

    C:\M-BusinessAnywhereServer\monitor> admin
    admin service is running.
    successfully connected to admin server.

    If a server is not running, the command output looks like this:

    C:\M-BusinessAnywhereServer\monitor> admin
    admin service is STOPPED