Processing Japanese client requests  Japanese character sets

Chapter 2: Topics

The Japanese Conversion Module

Open ServerConnect can accept and process client requests written in Japanese if you have the JCM installed. The JCM is provided on a separate tape. It does the workstation-to-mainframe-to-workstation translations necessary to process requests containing Japanese characters.


The Open ServerConnect environment must be customized to process Japanese requests. A system programmer customizes your environment when Open ServerConnect is installed. Open ServerConnect loads the customization module when TDINIT is called.

Customization information includes client login information from the client login packet that TRS forwards to the mainframe along with the client request. Among the client information contained in the login packet is the name of the client character set. See “The login packet” for details.

The following options are set during customization:

If the native language is Japanese, TDINIT loads the JCM.

An Open ServerConnect program can retrieve customization information with the function TDGETUSR.

How the JCM works

Once the JCM is loaded, it gets control whenever an Open ServerConnect program receives a client request containing TDSCHAR or TDSVARYCHAR data. TDSCHAR and TDSVARYCHAR are the datatypes used to represent Japanese characters in workstation character sets. The JCM converts the workstation Japanese characters to the character set used on the mainframe. Once mainframe processing is completed, the JCM converts results back to the original workstation character set before returning them to the client.

The translate tables

The JCM uses translate tables to convert workstation characters to mainframe characters.

When an Open ServerConnect program receives a client request in Japanese that contains character datatypes, it gives control to the JCM. The JCM looks up the client character set in the translate tables.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Japanese character sets

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