Binary and decimal datatypes  Unsupported datatypes

Chapter 2: Topics

Graphic datatypes

Open ServerConnect programs can use graphic datatypes as well as character datatypes to process double-byte data. Workstation clients, however, use only character datatypes to represent characters; graphic datatypes are not used with the supported workstation character sets.

The length of mainframe graphic datatypes is the number of double-byte characters, whereas the length of character datatypes at both the mainframe and the workstation is the number of bytes. Therefore, when converting kanji from character to graphic datatypes, be aware that the length of a kanji string is twice as long for character datatypes as it is for graphic datatypes.

For a more detailed explanation of length considerations when converting Japanese characters, see Table 2-14.


Use TDSVARYGRAPHIC rather than TDSVARGRAPHIC. TDSVARYGRAPHIC objects include the “LL” length specification that precedes the data.


Programs using DB2 data can send DB2 LONG VARGRAPHIC data as TDSIMAGE.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Unsupported datatypes

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