Starting and ending a conversation  Processing client requests

Chapter 1: Introduction

Handling client requests

Gateway-Library functions are designed to be symmetrical. That is, each time a program at one end of a connection issues a sending call, the program at the other end issues a corresponding receiving call.

In Open ServerConnect, the mainframe is always a server, never a client. Therefore, all the functions documented in this manual are those used by a server. Each TDRCVxxx function you code in your server application is responding to a corresponding send function issued by the client or TRS. Also, the data you send with a TDSNDxxx function is accepted by a corresponding receive function in the client program.

For example, if the client is an Open ClientConnect program, TDRCVSQL and TDRCVPRM retrieve data sent by the client function CTBSEND, and TDSNDROW returns rows that are retrieved by the client function CTBFETCH.

NoteIt is possible to code mixed-mode programs that act as both server and client, using both Gateway-Library and Client-Library functions. To do this, you must have Open ClientConnect installed in the same region as Open ServerConnect.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Processing client requests

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