Chapter 1: Introduction  What is Gateway-Library?

Chapter 1: Introduction

What is Open ServerConnect?

Open ServerConnect is a programming environment that lets you create mainframe transactions that Sybase client applications can execute. Open ServerConnect transactions can retrieve and update data stored on an IBM mainframe in any mainframe resource, such as VSAM files, TD queues, TS queues, and DL/1 databases, and in DB2 databases and other DBMSs.

Open ServerConnect is available for CICS, IMS TM and MVS. It runs on an IBM System/390 or plug-compatible mainframe computer. It uses a host transaction processor, such as CICS, as a communications front end and uses LU 6.2 or TCP/IP communications protocols.

For more information about Open ServerConnect, refer to the Mainframe Connect Server Option Installation and Administration Guide.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. What is Gateway-Library?

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