CICS network drivers  Customizing the TCP/IP driver (SYGWHOST)

Appendix A: Customization Options

CPI-C CICS network driver

If you use the CPI-C CICS driver, you must use CEDA to define an entry in the CICS PARTNER Table. Due to an IBM requirement, each Partner entry must be exactly 8 characters in length and use A-Z, 0-9. If your actual server name is not 8 characters, put an alias for it in your interfaces file.

For example:

Figure A-2: CEDA panel

Enter the PARTner and Remote TP name field values as follows:

NoteIf you enter a lowercase name in the Tpname field, CEDA changes it to uppercase and an erroneous entry is passed.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Customizing the TCP/IP driver (SYGWHOST)

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