LU security  Implementing conversational security

Chapter 4: Security

Conversational security

Conversational security uses the RACF resource class APPCTP to determine the user IDs that can access APPC/MVS TP profiles and their associated transaction program names (TPNs).

Conversational security depends on the level of security defined in the SNA APPL statement for the APPC LU. Based on the level of security you specify, MVS checks every transaction initiated from an LU 6.2 workstation. The following table shows the levels of security that you can define on the SECACPT parameter in the SNA APPL statement.

IMS TM adapter

The Adapter sends only the password, not the user ID. To do a security check, you can use the Gateway-Library function TDGETUSR to retrieve the user ID from the client login packet. For details on TDGETUSR, see the appropriate Mainframe Connect Server Option Programmer’s Reference. PL/1 and COBOL versions of this guide are available.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Implementing conversational security

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