Chapter 3: Installation and Configuration  Libraries and samples

Chapter 3: Installation and Configuration

Installation and configuration

The following two procedures describe the installation steps necessary to install all Mainframe Connect options from the InstallShield wizard and to complete the installation for the Client Option for CICS. You should skip those installation steps that do not pertain to the option or options you have chosen to install.

NoteThe InstallShield wizard runs only on Windows.

StepsInstalling from the InstallShield wizard

  1. Start the InstallShield wizard from CD by executing setupwin.exe, which is in the root directory.

    The initial dialog box displays the options available for installation. Click Next and Back to navigate through the wizard. To cancel the installation, click Cancel.

  2. Click Next, and accept the terms of the user-license agreement by selecting your country in the drop-down list and selecting the option to indicate that you agree with the terms.

  3. Click Next, and select the components you want to install.

    NoteIf you are installing the Server Option for CICS API or the DB2 UDB Option for CICS, the Server Option for CICS Runtime component will be automatically selected as you proceed to the next screen.

  4. Enter the license keys for the components you purchased.

  5. Click Next, and provide the following JCL and system information:

    Click Next.

  6. If you have chosen to install an option that uses CICS, DB2, or IMS, provide the following information where it applies. Otherwise, skip to the next step.

    Click Next.

  7. If you have chosen to install an API component, provide the following compiler information, which is used to configure JCL for compiling sample programs. Otherwise, skip to the next step.

    Click Next.

  8. If you have chosen to install the Client Option for CICS, provide the following information for configuring a host connection definition for the Client Option. Otherwise, skip to the next step.

    Click Next.

  9. If you have chosen to install the Server Option for CICS or the DB2 UDB Option for CICS, provide the following information for configuring a TCP/IP listener for these options. Otherwise, skip to the next step.

    Click Next.

  10. Click Next until the wizard displays the information you entered in steps 5 through 8. Review this information and, if necessary, click Back to return to previous screens and make corrections.

  11. Click Next until the wizard displays a dialog box for ftp information. Provide the following data for establishing an ftp session to your mainframe:

    The InstallShield wizard will create JCL and upload the selected components to your mainframe once you click Next.

  12. Close the InstallShield wizard.

To complete the installation of your Mainframe Connect components, review and submit JCL from TSO. If you are installing multiple components, Sybase strongly suggests that you install in the following sequence:

  1. Client Option for CICS

  2. Server Option for CICS

  3. DB2 UDB Option for CICS

  4. Any other options

Use the following procedure to complete your installation.

StepsCompleting the installation

  1. Locate the installation JCL for the Client Option for CICS in hlq.OCC126.CICS.JCL, where hlq is the high-level qualifier you specified in step 5.

  2. Run the following jobs in the order they are described here, where x is an integer that denotes the order in which the job is to be run in the overall sequence of jobs. Ignore jobs that are not present or relevant to the option you are installing.

  3. Run the following jobs if you want to compile and link-edit the sample applications provided with the Client Option for CICS:

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